Power of Quiet Time.

Neeta C
3 min readDec 9, 2020
Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

Peace, Quiet, Solitude all these words calm you down Because Sometimes it is Ideal to be Idle. Let me explain that statement for you, Hustlers. I m not saying we have to stop hustling and bustling, but find a sweet slice of time, just for you.

Quiet Time is a specific period of time, wherein you are the one controlling what you would do with that time, without obligation to do something because you have to but because you want to. As you grow up, this time is taken up by distractions which seem to be alluring enough that you believe that is what you want to do, but you become a slave to those distractions, well we cannot cut off those distractions, (Unless you have Monk-like Mind).

The most important habit is solitude, quiet time. People who enter their day by taking 45 minutes or an hour for themselves — meditation, prayer, inspirational reading, taking a walk — before they go for it in the real world do best.

-Ken Blanchard

I could articulate a few powerful reasons as to why you should accommodate some quiet time in your daily routine.

1. You meet your “Real Self”

When you sit all by yourself for a while, the mind starts wandering in many dimensions, starts finding some distractions but after some brief time, your thoughts settle down, you come in contact with your reality, who you really are, your purpose. In the long run, you would understand yourself much better than earlier. It can act like a cleansing process where you wear off aspects that have been hindering your growth as those aspects were forced on to you by some social norms or conformity.

2. Quiet Time Breeds Creativity

Creativity requires it’s own sweet time to flow in, Yes consistency can beat the creativity blues but to be consistent you need that space wherein you can explore, think and articulate. Try it for yourself when you are grappled with some intricate problem or feel confused, take a short time off, be in that zone of mindfulness, you will experience that you have somehow progressed into direction clarity as you have removed some clutter out of mind and focus on the real issue.

3. Experience the brevity and passivity.

The time which you own, where you are not distracted by any other means but your own thoughts, sooner or later you will find catching short epiphanies, accepting the brief time you have on earth and thereby valuing your time more.

It is not that we are given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it.”
- Seneca

Personal touch:

I have started reading Letters from Seneca (I followed Tim Ferris’s recommendation), there is a letter from Seneca which is On Quiet and Study, I have attached the link below

I am trying to implement a few of the teachings from Seneca. And For me, Quiet Time has proved to be therapeutic and bring me closer to my true Self. Also, I recently watched Tara Brach Video on freeing oneself from negative patterns, she shared a story about how meditating gives you that short time wherein you can decide, how actions in future can affect and be considerate about your actions.

Try this exercise for a starter, Take 20 mins out of your busy day sit down with yourself, thoughts, ( there might be a glitch: Do not overthink) just accept your thoughts, write down your thoughts, In short, Just Relax and Be Yourself, Own that short time.



Neeta C

Naive Phoenix, Devours anything that's readable and Writes out of love and Reading Evangelist.