Why it is more than just “fitting in”?

Neeta C
2 min readDec 19, 2020

Almost everyone wants to be accepted, acknowledged for who they are. Sometimes it is the case that some of us forget who they are or resent being who they are, trying to fit in, to be appreciated but, the quirks, the weirdness is what makes us live a life that is meant for us. Then Is there no need for Self-improvement? No Improving is important, Self-improvement can be seen as a nuanced version of ourselves. On many layers, It is better to accept ourselves and build life along those lines.

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.”

― Brené Brown

From the perspective of Innovation.

Life would have been very unchanged if no one tried to go out of the norms and accept the roles that were assigned if everyone was to be painted by the same colour would there be any beauty in that painting? Similarly, just by trying to fitting in there would have been no revolution. Innovation comes from trying out different things or doing things differently.

Time and again, It is the innovation that has kept us growing in all of the fields. It is because, of those individuals, groups who used their strengths and owned who they were.

From the perspective of Diversity.

Diversity begets Richness in society, brings new standpoints, diverse solutions to problems, More outside-box ideas. Diversity comes from diverse personalities, sharing ideas, thoughts.

From the perspective of Happiness.

The stress of being somebody you are not is huge, once you stop trying to fit-in and embrace yourself that stress is gone. Happiness comes to you as find ways to be yourself. You are unaffected by the judgements of others. The weight you are carrying to be perfect in others eyes whilst letting down yourself, that weight wears off.

In short, why it is more than fitting in because it is more about embracing yourself, bettering yourself on your terms. Also, Understanding that different opinions, personalities deserve the same respect and acceptance.

It’s easy to fit in. It’s easy to blend in and hide your outrageousness.

And it’s also the easiest way to lose the precious parts of you.

You deserve to be seen. You deserve to be heard. You deserve to be known for the real deal that you are.

Stop taking the easy way out. Stop trying to fit in.

The best place in life is where you’re already okay.”

. ― Anne Bechard



Neeta C

Naive Phoenix, Devours anything that's readable and Writes out of love and Reading Evangelist.